Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP)

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Competition: TIU/2020/ICT/STRAT/RFP-001 - GOJ National ICT Strategy Consultant
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Name of procuring entity:
Transformation Implementation Unit
TIU/2020/ICT/STRAT/RFP-001 - GOJ National ICT Strategy Consultant
Competition unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide strategic and technical advisory services in the Information Communication Technology sphere to the Government of Jamaica – through the Ministry of Science Energy and Technology (MSET) – to assist in the development of a National ICT Strategy for the country. The objective is to create a strategic framework for the next 10 years under a common vision and ambition, including a set of measurable goals and specific initiatives/programs to accelerate the development and growth of the ICT sector in Jamaica. The strategy will address critical pillars such as (telecommunications) infrastructure development, enabling regulation where required, human capital development, technology innovation, ICT investment and promotion, roll-out and adoption of eGovernment services, as well as driving coordination among various government entities.
Procurement Type:
Services sub-type:
Procurement Method:
Open - ICB
Re-Tender flag:
Original Tender
PPC-NCC Categories:
S0130-Consulting Services - General
S0320-Information Technology Services
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) :
72221000-Business analysis consultancy services
72222000-Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services
72222100-Information systems or technology strategic review services
72222200-Information systems or technology planning services
72222300-Information technology services
72224000-Project management consultancy services
72224200-System quality assurance planning services
72225000-System quality assurance assessment and review services
Procurement Technique:
Number of stages:
Framework Agreement Establishment:
Funding Source:
Funding Providers:
216: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) or (IADB)
Special and Differential Treatment (SDT):
No Special & Differential Treatment
Project reference number:
IADB JA-L1073 | 4374/OC-JA
Country of contract performance:
Non-petroleum indicator:
Original deadline for bid submission:
17/08/2020 16:00 UTC-5
Deadline for bid submission:
17/08/2020 16:00 UTC-5
End of clarification period:
11/08/2020 23:59 UTC-5
Bid opening date:
17/08/2020 16:15 UTC-5
Site Visit - Bidders Conference Date:
Contract awarded in Lots:
PE audit of competition correspondence:
Planned Evaluation End date:
01/09/2020 00:00 UTC-5
Planned Contract Award date:
05/01/2021 00:00 UTC-5
Date of Publication/Invitation:
01/08/2020 23:51 UTC-5