Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP)

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Competition: Procurement of Commissioned Land Surveyor for the Forest Science and Technology Services Division
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Name of procuring entity:
Forestry Department
Procurement of Commissioned Land Surveyor for the Forest Science and Technology Services Division
Competition unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
Procurement of Commissioned Land Surveyor for the Forest Science and Technology Services Division to provide the following service:  Develop and/or review criteria for survey methods and standards based on the Agency’s surveying core activities;  Provide policy, guidance and professional advice to the Agency on matters relating to the land surveying functions and responsibilities of the Agency, including legal or procedural changes;  Communicate proactively with colleagues and staff, to enable management transparency and the sharing of knowledge and information;  Plan and supervise surveys to establish the legal boundaries for properties aforementioned,  Carry out topographical and engineering surveys, when required, and compile profiles from such survey data  Undertake site visits to collect information, locate boundaries and take measurements to verify the extent of boundaries  Prepare and maintain drawings, maps, reports and legal descriptions of surveys to describe, certify and assume liability for work performed;  Prepares and submits the Senior Director - FRIM, monthly reports of all work done  Ensure instruments are calibrated to maintain their accuracy;  Train the Agency’s surveyors and assistants and direct work activities in areas such as map drafting or conducting surveys;  Participate in the Agency's public education and awareness programme in relation to boundary verifications and surveying procedures.
Procurement Type:
Services sub-type:
Procurement Method:
Open - NCB
Re-Tender flag:
Original Tender
PPC-NCC Categories:
S0130-Consulting Services - General
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) :
71355000-Surveying services
Procurement Technique:
Number of stages:
Framework Agreement Establishment:
Funding Source:
Government of Jamaica
Special and Differential Treatment (SDT):
No Special & Differential Treatment
Project reference number:
Country of contract performance:
Non-petroleum indicator:
Original deadline for bid submission:
12/03/2021 13:00 UTC-5
Deadline for bid submission:
12/03/2021 13:00 UTC-5
End of clarification period:
08/03/2021 16:00 UTC-5
Bid opening date:
12/03/2021 13:30 UTC-5
Site Visit - Bidders Conference Date:
Contract awarded in Lots:
PE audit of competition correspondence:
Planned Evaluation End date:
23/03/2021 16:00 UTC-5
Planned Contract Award date:
01/04/2021 16:00 UTC-5
Date of Publication/Invitation:
19/02/2021 13:00 UTC-5