Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP)

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Competition: Procurement of Electronic Licensing System for the SMA
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Name of procuring entity:
Spectrum Management Authority
Procurement of Electronic Licensing System for the SMA
Competition unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
The Spectrum Management Authority (SMA) of Jamaica is the national regulator of the spectrum in Jamaica. It is an Agency of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining and was established in 2000, pursuant to the Telecommunications Act, 2000 and became operational in April 2001. The SMA’s intention is to constantly advance in technology such that its customers continue to experience world-class service and advanced functionalities. At present, the SMA’s licensing processes for creating, modifying and renewing licences require heavy manual (as opposed to automated) activities to be done; manual intervention is required to assist an outdated software. The processes rely heavily on excel spreadsheet reports that are not generated by the current licensing software which in-effect produces errors and longer processing times than necessary. Some applications are currently hand-submitted and in general applications are still somewhat manual; there is no module for seamlessly making payments and submitting licence applications online. There is no means for customers to track how far along their applications are in the process after they make payment or readily know the various licences/licence-applications he or she has with SMA. The SMA hereby seeks to procure an on-line Electronic Licencing Information System (ELIS) for supporting the processes associated with managing the radio spectrum in accordance with the details covered in the Technical Specifications.
Procurement Type:
Procurement Method:
Open - ICB
Re-Tender flag:
Original Tender
PPC-NCC Categories:
G0130-Computers, Computer Equipment, Parts and Supplies
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) :
48000000-Software package and information systems
Procurement Technique:
Number of stages:
Framework Agreement Establishment:
Funding Source:
Special and Differential Treatment (SDT):
No Special & Differential Treatment
Project reference number:
RFP SMA/ELIS/2020/09/020
Country of contract performance:
Non-petroleum indicator:
Original deadline for bid submission:
11/11/2020 14:00 UTC-5
Deadline for bid submission:
11/11/2020 14:00 UTC-5
End of clarification period:
15/10/2020 16:00 UTC-5
Bid opening date:
11/11/2020 14:15 UTC-5
Site Visit - Bidders Conference Date:
07/10/2020 10:00 UTC-5
Contract awarded in Lots:
PE audit of competition correspondence:
Date of Publication/Invitation:
22/09/2020 10:20 UTC-5