Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP)

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Competition: Client Licensing and (Relationship) Management System (CLMS)
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Name of procuring entity:
Real Estate Board and Commission of Strata Corporations
Client Licensing and (Relationship) Management System (CLMS)
Competition unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
To manage any client base effectively, there is a need for a centralized view into any given client, showing all their sub-areas and interactions in one single view in real time. This consolidation of information will empower the employees/decision makers of the organization to act from a place of knowledge and speak with authority and in one voice when handling client matters. Such a system will be the central hub from which other systems seek and deposit information. It would be aware of the rules, requirements and recurring charges and penalties associated with the mandates entrusted to the Real Estate Board/Commission of Strata Corporation. It would offer assistance to the limited staff compliment to keep track of scheduled events such as planned exercises, deadlines given and turn-around time on tasks. Additionally, any such system will provide workflow automation that would move requests/applications along their respective work paths to completion and disseminate the result.
Procurement Type:
Procurement Method:
Open - ICB
Re-Tender flag:
Original Tender
PPC-NCC Categories:
S0320-Information Technology Services
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) :
72000000-IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Procurement Technique:
Number of stages:
Framework Agreement Establishment:
Funding Source:
Special and Differential Treatment (SDT):
No Special & Differential Treatment
Project reference number:
IFB No.: RFP#40(b)-REB-CLMS-GOJ-2020-12
Country of contract performance:
Non-petroleum indicator:
Original deadline for bid submission:
26/02/2021 14:00 UTC-5
Deadline for bid submission:
25/03/2021 14:00 UTC-5
End of clarification period:
16/03/2021 13:00 UTC-5
Bid opening date:
25/03/2021 14:15 UTC-5
Site Visit - Bidders Conference Date:
18/01/2021 10:00 UTC-5
Contract awarded in Lots:
PE audit of competition correspondence:
Date of Publication/Invitation:
29/12/2020 09:49 UTC-5