Government of Jamaica Electronic Procurement (GOJEP)

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Competition: Repairs to Tank 116
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Name of procuring entity:
Petrojam Limited
Repairs to Tank 116
Competition unique ID:
Evaluation Mechanism:
Petrojam Limited wishes to replace the entire floor of Tank #116 at its 96 Marcus Garvey Drive Kingston location. Tank #116 is an API 650 constructed Heavy Fuel Oil HFO storage tank, which is 80’ in diameter and 48’ high, and has coned roof supported by columns. The storage capacity is 43,300 Barrels. In this regard, experienced contractors are invited to submit bids to complete the subject works. The contractor is required to supply all necessary materials, engineering services, quality assurance, supervision, labour, transportation, tools and equipment to complete the job within 150 calendar days.
Procurement Type:
Procurement Method:
Open - ICB
Re-Tender flag:
Original Tender
Grade of Works:
PPC-NCC Categories:
W0340-Tank Erection
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) :
50514100-Repair and maintenance services of tanks
51810000-Installation services of tanks
Procurement Technique:
Number of stages:
Framework Agreement Establishment:
Funding Source:
Government of Jamaica
Special and Differential Treatment (SDT):
No Special & Differential Treatment
Country of contract performance:
Non-petroleum indicator:
Petroleum related procurement
Original deadline for bid submission:
11/12/2020 11:00 UTC-5
Deadline for bid submission:
11/12/2020 11:00 UTC-5
End of clarification period:
07/12/2020 14:00 UTC-5
Bid opening date:
11/12/2020 11:05 UTC-5
Site Visit - Bidders Conference Date:
10/11/2020 10:00 UTC-5
Contract awarded in Lots:
PE audit of competition correspondence:
Date of Publication/Invitation:
26/10/2020 13:23 UTC-5